GB/T 14849.4-2014 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 14849.4-2014, GB/T14849.4-2014, GBT14849.4-2014): Methods for chemical analysis of silicon metal - Part 4: Determination of impurity contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This part of GB/T 14849 specifies the determination methods of iron, aluminum, calcium, manganese, titanium, nickel, copper, chromium, vanadium, magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, lead, zinc, boron in industrial silicon. |
Foreword | 6 |
Instruments | 7 |
Analytical procedures | 8 |
Calculation of analytical results | 10 |
Precision | 11 |
Quality assurance and control | 12 |
Appendix A Informative Preparation of standard stock solutions | 13 |
Appendix B Informative Instruments working conditions | 17 |
Common terms and phrases
1000 mL volumetric 250 mL Teflon 400 mL beaker Accurately weigh 1.0000 Add 40 mL Add 5 mL Add nitric acid amount of water analytical test solution base reagent boron calcium completely dissolve contains 1.0 mg Cover the watch dissolve it completely excellent grade pure g of metal GB/T heat to completely heat to dissolve hydrochloric acid 4.4 hydrofluoric acid 4.2 Inductively coupled plasma magnesium manganese mark Mix it uniformly mL of hydrochloric mL of hydrofluoric mL of nitric mL of water mL Teflon beaker mL volumetric flask nitric acid 4.3 perchloric acid Potassium dichromate Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Remove to cool repeatability limit reproducibility limit requirements of Table room temperature series standard solution Shake it uniformly Slowly heat Sodium hydroxide solution 1.0 mg/mL solution contains 1.0 standard stock solution stock solution 1.0 sulfuric acid titanium Transfer the solution volume in Table watch glass water to dilute weighed sample amount zinc