GB/T 3478.5-2008 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 3478.5-2008, GB/T3478.5-2008, GBT3478.5-2008): Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 5: Inspection [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This part of GB/T 3478 specifies the test method for the straight cylindrical involute splines. This part is applicable to the inspection of splines manufactured according to GB/T 3478.1. It may also be used as a reference when using the gauge to inspect the straight cylindrical involute splines. |
Common terms and phrases
5f GB/T active space width active tooth thickness actual space width actual tooth thickness base circle Major circle Major diameter composite plug gauge composite ring gauge composite spline gauge controlling the minimum cylindrical involute splines Dee max Diameter of indexing Diameter of involute Diameter of measuring dimensions tables error curve Example of marking external spline formula or code gauge block gauge Calculation formula gauge NO GO gauge The structure gauge to inspect GO composite gauge GO composite ring GO sector gauge GO sector ring H/2 Tooth thickness harmonic analysis indexing circle Diameter indexing error involute start circle length of engagement marking line master plug gauge measuring pin minimum value Minor diameter mz mzcosaD Number of modules Number of teeth parameters of gauge sector ring gauge shown in Figure Single-item tolerance Example Straight cylindrical involute Sv max Table A.6 thickness at marking tooth helix error tooth profile error total pitch error Wmin